Virtual MotherCircle


This offering includes 8 in-person MotherCircle gatherings:

  • Thursdays from 4:30-6pm PT

  • September 28th - November 16th

  • Sessions held virtually via Zoom

  • Maximum of 10 participants per circle

We will meet once per week over the course of 8 weeks. Each session includes a mix of short breathwork or meditation, somatic exercises, movement, journaling, sharing, witnessing, mirroring and more.

Find more information on MotherCircle here.

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This offering includes 8 in-person MotherCircle gatherings:

  • Thursdays from 4:30-6pm PT

  • September 28th - November 16th

  • Sessions held virtually via Zoom

  • Maximum of 10 participants per circle

We will meet once per week over the course of 8 weeks. Each session includes a mix of short breathwork or meditation, somatic exercises, movement, journaling, sharing, witnessing, mirroring and more.

Find more information on MotherCircle here.

This offering includes 8 in-person MotherCircle gatherings:

  • Thursdays from 4:30-6pm PT

  • September 28th - November 16th

  • Sessions held virtually via Zoom

  • Maximum of 10 participants per circle

We will meet once per week over the course of 8 weeks. Each session includes a mix of short breathwork or meditation, somatic exercises, movement, journaling, sharing, witnessing, mirroring and more.

Find more information on MotherCircle here.