frequently asked questions

what can I expect during the free 20-minute consultation?

The goal of your initial session with Shari is to get a sense of where you are, where you hope to go, and what kind of support you need along the way. Your answers (and the honesty that they require) will help you both understand if you are well-suited to work together, and form the basis of your working relationship if so.

If you are interested in moving forward, you will receive a brief coaching contract. Once complete, you can schedule your first official 60-minute call over Zoom or via phone, and get started.

do you offer psychedelics or psychedelic-assisted therapy?

Guided High does not provide psychoactive or controlled substances, and Shari is not a licensed therapist, counselor, doctor, medical professional, spiritual guide or scientist. We do not recommend or provide referrals to “underground” (illegal) psychedelic services or substances. Any information received through our services is for educational purposes only and should not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. Please use your discretion to ensure our services meet your needs.

That said, we do work with clients who have or are considering using psychedelics to prepare for and integrate any planned or past experiences, or who are interested in microdosing.

what is your cancellation and refund policy?

Please cancel paid 1-on-1 coaching sessions at least 12 hours in advance of a session to avoid the $50 cancellation fee. Any paid sessions that are not canceled in advance of the scheduled time will be charged for the full amount of the session. MotherCircles purchases are nonrefundable. Please reach out with any further questions or extenuating circumstances.

how can I book a coaching session?

Book 1-on-1 coaching by purchasing a single session, package or membership here. Once you purchase, we will be in touch within 2 business days to schedule the first session.

how can I connect with others in the community?

If you are a mother or on your motherhood journey, join a MotherCircle! Otherwise, subscribe to our email list at the bottom of the page for updates, including invitations to sharing circles, MotherCircles and more.


“We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.”

Dr. Gabor Maté