work with me 1:1

60 minute sessions
held via Zoom or phone

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  • There are infinite ways to experience psychedelics. When approached with loosely held intentions, they can help you to zoom out from worn-out ways of being and tune into your truth. Afterwards, increased neuroflexibility can help you interrupt long-held patterns and consciously choose your next move.

    While psychedelics are a powerful catalyst for change, they are not a magic pill. A trip can leave you with far more questions than answers, which could be counterproductive without the right support.

    Thoughtful preparation increases the odds that you will have a safe and meaningful experience. Ongoing integration afterwards will help you make sense of your experience – and create change in your life.

    We recommend a minimum of 2 preparation sessions prior to a trip and 2 integration sessions afterwards.

  • If you’re intrigued by psychedelics but overwhelmed by the idea of an altered state, microdosing could be for you. Microdosing is the practice of regularly taking “sub-perceptual” doses — amounts high enough to activate serotonin receptors in the brain but low enough not to interfere with normal functioning. In other words, you can’t consciously feel the effects.

    Unlike a trip, microdosing is a more subtle and often sustainable approach to change. But microdosing requires structure and support to create tangible change over time.

    We recommend weekly microdose coaching sessions for at least 2 months, especially for those new to the practice.

  • Psychedelics aren’t for everyone or for every phase of life. Thankfully, they also aren’t the only way to go or grow. This offering is for anyone who is feeling stuck or disconnected from themselves or their lives. This includes those who struggle to feel at home in or at peace with their bodies.

    Drawing on the same principles that guide psychedelic work, we will start by bringing more safety and self-awareness to where you are right now. With curiosity and compassion as our guide, we will work on knowing and nourishing ourselves in new ways.

    You may be surprised how effective it can be to move slowly and with the right support — no big experiences needed.

pricing & packages

• single sessions •

$120 each

for maximum flexibility

• microdose membership •

$350 for 4 sessions/month

2-month commitment required

• journey package •

$400 for 4 sessions

2 preparation & 2 integration

• custom •

based on your needs

reach out to learn more

know what you know

• Safe space to explore all parts of yourself

• Non-judgmental curiosity & compassion

• Reflections to build self-awareness

• Support during the discomfort of growth

I can offer you:

• A promise to be fixed, healed or saved

• Instructions about what to do or believe

• A substitute for your own inner compass

• A perpetual focus on trauma or self-help

I cannot offer you:

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are”

— Anaïs Nin