• MotherCircle consists of 8 small group sessions over 8 weeks

• Open to all women on a motherhood journey of any kind

• Touches on body, cycles, sexuality, work, value and much more

• We will create community, connection & clarity – together

MotherCircle is an 8-week journey for mothers who want to find their village – and themselves.

MotherCircle is for women who are:

  • Mothers or want to be mothers

  • Longing for a supportive community of moms

  • Processing fertility, pregnancy or birth experiences

  • Looking to reconnect to themselves postpartum

  • Eager to transcend mom stereotypes and memes

  • Craving time and space for true self care

  • Ready to write a new and nuanced story

If this speaks to you, maybe it’s FOR you…

Becoming a mother is a transformational experience.

MotherCircle will help you gain clarity, metabolize experiences and distill wisdom – all within a supportive community.

We will draw on:

• meditation
• somatic exercises
• myth & story
• breathwork
• journaling
• witnessing
• sharing & more…

Our next circle begins in early 2024

Motherhood is meant to change you.

But without context and community, it’s easy to lose yourself along the way.

Moms need a space to gather. A space that can hold the full spectrum of the motherhood experience – from the magical to the mundane.

This is that place…

• a group of women walking the labyrinth of pregnancy, birth & postpartum
• a community of mothers interested in asking big questions
• a support system that understands the power of proximity
• a village that’s ready to create a new & nuanced narrative

You aren’t meant to mother alone.

“It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to raise a mother.

This is that village.”

— Kimberly Ann Johnson & Jessica Connolly, MotherCircle creators

our curriculum

8 classes,
8 weeks…


Locate yourself within the unseen arc of the motherhood journey.


Connect with your innate cycles, and the wisdom they contain.


Learn to understand and honor your physical and emotional needs, postpartum and beyond.


Access the full spectrum of your nervous system, from predator to prey.


Give voice to your evolving relationship with sexuality as a women and a mother.


There are many ways to access and understand your birth story – or your hopes for birth – and the wisdom it contains.


Reclaim your own worth by rethinking how you see your work in the world.


Clarify the values that will inform your mothering and your legacy.

We will connect with each other and reconnect to what feels alive in ourselves.

We will give voice to the unseen parts of motherhood and locate ourselves within them.

We will honor where we’ve been and step into who we are becoming, together.

“We must build the world we want to belong to.”

– Kimberly Ann Johnson, co-creator of MotherCircle & author of The Fourth Trimester & Call of the Wild